Post offices
In many countries, Post Offices are migrating from a role of mere mail and parcel collection and retrieval points to modern, multi-purpose service hubs offering banking functions, investments, and more; and these new postal business centers are visited by an evolving and increasingly demanding demographics.
In this context, processes that used to be traditional and paper-based need to become digital and efficient. Thanks to its decades of experience in retail banking, Panini is well positioned to help this evolution of customer-facing postal services with its trusted technology.

Product innovation enables service point transformation
We know Post Offices can be paper-intensive, even when it comes to payments. Those engaged in document dematerialization projects, whether front office (teller) of back office based, can successfully exploit Panini scanners to minimize the role of the physical document and start working with data as early as possible. If allowed by legislation, the hard copy of payment slips may be returned to the customer, while the Postal Institution can archive and/or transmit the scanned image as evidence of the transaction.
When it comes to identity and card-based payment functions, instead, Panini BioCred comes into play. This innovative platform is usable for customer onboarding, authentication, electronic signature and digital signage, and it can work as a keystone of the physical branch reorganization process: new spaces centered on the customer, implementing digital workflows aiming at efficiency and mutual satisfaction.
Panini check scanners are capable of a number of key functions required to automate in-branch processing of bills and checks:
- Decode OCR lines, 1D barcodes, 2D barcodes on pre-marked bills or payment slips, either individually processed or in batches
- Aid manual data input on unmarked (manually filled in) bills or slips, by displaying their scanned images on the teller’s screen, with optional zoom-in on input areas
- Print transaction information (“postal stamp”) up to four lines – even on different document portions if needed
- Professionally manage check deposit thanks to magnetic or optical codeline reading, duplex image scanning and physical and/or virtual (on-image) endorsement
- Read magnetic codelines, optical codelines and/or barcodes on single-sheet passbooks
The EverneXt, our most advanced scanning platform centered on front office requirements, allows a number of additional teller functions including full payment slip or receipt printing up to 14 lines of text and cashier’s check personalization.

Customer Case Studies
“We are very satisfied with the development of the payment slip dematerialization project carried out in partnership with Panini”
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